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Privacy policy

Protecting your personal data is very important to us. IMR Fabrikautomation GmbH will only process your personal data on this website for specific purposes, as outlined in this privacy policy, in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations. Please find information on the most important aspects of how we process data on our website below.


1. Controller’s name and contact details
The controller responsible for processing your personal data is:

IMR metal powder technologies GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “we” or “us”)

Address: Jessenigstr. 4, 9220 Velden am Wörthersee, Austria
Tel.: 0043 4274 4100

2. Processing activities

a. Visiting our website

1. Scope of data processing

If you only use our website for information purposes, we only collect the personal data that your browser sends to our server. If you want to browse our website, we collect the following data, which is technically necessary for us to display our website to you and to ensure stability and security:

  • Your IP address
  • The date and time you accessed the site
  • Time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • Content of your request (specific page)
  • Access status/HTTP status code
  • Amount of data transferred in each case
  • The website from which you came to our website
  • Your browser
  • Your operating system and its interface
  • Language and version of your browser

This data cannot be attributed to a specific person without checking other data sources and we do not analyse this data further as long as our website is not used unlawfully.

2. Legal basis for data processing

When you visit our website, your data is processed on the legal basis of Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. This processing is necessary for the security and stability of our IT systems and to offer the most user-friendly experience possible, which is why it constitutes our legitimate interest.

3. Purpose of data processing

We process data for purely statistical purposes in order to constantly improve our website and provide visitors with a user-friendly experience and to be able to prepare the information provided in a user-friendly manner. We use state-of-the-art encryption methods (SSL) via HTTPS to protect the security of your data during transmission. 

4. Data recipients

In order to fulfil the purpose of data processing, we will also forward the data we collect automatically to third parties, in particular IT service providers, providers and web hosting companies, which may also provide their services from third countries.

Your data will not be passed on to other third parties without your consent.

5. Duration of storage

We will only process your data for as long as this is necessary for the purpose in question, unless you have effectively objected to the processing of your data or have effectively withdrawn any consent you may have granted. Your data will be deleted if it is no longer needed.

b. Making contact via the website

1. Scope of data processing

Gathering your personal data if you contact us by email

If you contact us by e-mail, the data you provide (your name, your e-mail address) will be stored by us in order to process your enquiry or to provide you with the information you have requested. This personal data will not be passed on to unauthorised third parties without your consent.  

Gathering your personal data when you enter data

If you use functions on our website that require you to enter personal data, you consent to us using this data electronically for the purpose for which it was entered.

We will collect your personal data electronically if you use our contact form:

  • First name and surname
  • e-mail address
  • Telephone number
  • Message

2. Legal basis for data processing

The processing of data resulting from your visit and interaction (data entry, contact by e-mail) with the website is based on the legal basis of Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR. The processing is necessary in order to provide the user with the desired functionalities of the website and the requested information and the user has given their consent to the processing of the personal data relating to the respective user for one or more specific purposes by entering the data.

3. Purpose of data processing

The purpose of automated data processing is to provide the best possible response to the information requested by the user when contacting us. We use state-of-the-art encryption methods (SSL) via HTTPS to protect the security of your data during transmission. 

4. Data recipients

In order to fulfil the purpose of data processing, we will also forward the data we collect to third parties, in particular IT service providers, providers and web hosting companies, which may also provide their services from third countries.

Your data will not be passed on to other third parties without your consent.

Information on the existence of automated decision-making

We do not carry out automated decision-making, including profiling, in accordance with Art 22 (1) and (4) GDPR.

3. Your rights

a. Right to information

You can request confirmation from us as to whether and to what extent we have processed your data.

b. Right to rectification and right to restriction of processing

You have the right to request the immediate rectification of inaccurate personal data about you. or to have incomplete personal data completed. Under certain circumstances, for example if the accuracy of data is disputed, you may request that processing of the data is restricted until the accuracy of the data has been verified so that it may only be processed with your consent or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of important public interest.

c. Right to deletion

You can require the deletion of your personal data if we process it unlawfully or if the processing disproportionately interferes with your legitimate protection interests. Please note that there may be reasons that prevent immediate deletion, e.g. in the case of statutory retention obligations.

d. Right to data portability

You have the right to request that we provide you, or where technically feasible, a third party nominated by you, with a copy of the data you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You also have the right to transmit this data to another controller without hindrance from the controller to which the personal data has been provided, where

(1) the processing is based on consent pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) GDPR or Article 9(2)(a) GDPR or on a contract pursuant to Article 6(1)(b) GDPR, and

(2) the processing is carried out automatically.

In exercising this right, you also have the right to request that the personal data about you be transferred directly by us to another controller, insofar as this is technically feasible. The freedoms and rights of other individuals must not be affected by this.

e. Right to object

You have the right to object to the processing of personal data about you at any time on grounds relating to your particular situation, which is based on Article 6(1)(e) or (f) GDPR. This also applies to profiling based on these provisions.

In this case, we will cease processing your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing serves the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

f. Right to revoke the declaration of consent under data protection law

You have the right to revoke your declaration of consent under data protection law at any time without stating reasons by sending an email to Revoking your consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of your consent up to the time of revocation.

g. Right to lodge a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Austrian data protection authority (, as well as with any supervisory authority within the EU.


We use cookies on our website. These are small text files that are stored on your computer by the browser. They do not do any damage. We use cookies to make our website more user-friendly. Some cookies remain stored on your computer until you delete them. They make it possible for us to recognise you the next time you visit our website. If you do not want cookies to be saved, you can set up your browser so that it notifies you when cookies are about to be saved so that you can authorise or deny them on a case-by-case basis. The functionality of our website may be reduced if you deactivate cookies. Information on the type of cookies and why they are needed can be found in our cookie declaration.

Cookie consent

When you access our website for the first time, a cookie consent banner will be displayed, requesting your consent to process your data using cookies. We have also provided a link to our privacy policy in the cookie consent banner to inform you about the use of cookies.

Cookie declaration

Our website uses the following cookies:

Essential cookies

Technically required cookies ensure the basic functionality of the website and guarantee smooth navigation and use. They are therefore required to provide you with our website services.

The legal basis for the integration of these cookies is Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

cookieconsent_statusimr-metalle.comIMR metal powder technologies GmbHRecords the fact that the user has seen the cookie consent banner.1 year
dp_cookieconsent_statusimr-metalle.comIMR metal powder technologies GmbHSaves the user's consent status for cookies on this domain.1 year
fe_typo_userimr-metalle.comIMR metal powder technologies GmbHStandard session cookie for CMS TYPO3. This is used to identify a user uniquely.Session

Statistics cookies

These cookies enable us to collect statistics on visits to our website. The number of visits to the various sections of the website and how often they are visited can, for example, be used to improve navigation, services and products for the user. These cookies are only processed if you have granted your consent.

_gagoogle.comGoogle Inc.Is used to distinguish users from each other.14 months
_gaX0BGZ8YMF2google.comGoogle Inc.Is used to distinguish users from each other.14 months

Use of Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics 4 to analyse how our website is used. The data collected is used to optimise our website and advertising.

Google Analytics 4 is a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland). Google processes the website usage data on our behalf and is contractually obliged to take measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data processed.

The following data is collected during your visit to our website:

  • Pages accessed
  • The achievement of ‘website goals’ (e.g. contact requests and newsletter registrations)
  • What you do on the website (e.g. time spent on the site, clicks, scrolling behaviour)
  • Your approximate location
  • Your IP address (in abbreviated form, so that it cannot be uniquely assigned)
  • Technical information such as your browser, internet provider, end user device and screen resolution
  • Source of origin of your visit (i.e. via which website or advertising medium you came to us)

This data is transferred to Google servers in the USA. We would like to point out that the same level of protection under data protection law cannot be guaranteed in the USA as within the EU.

Google Analytics stores cookies in your web browser for a period of two years since your last visit. These cookies contain a randomly generated user ID with which you can be recognized on future website visits.

The data recorded is saved together with the randomly generated user ID, which makes it possible to analyse pseudonymous user profiles. This user-related data is automatically deleted after 14 months. Other data remains stored in aggregated form indefinitely.

If you do not agree to the collection of data, you can prevent this by installing the browser add-on to deactivate Google Analytics or by rejecting cookies on the cookie consent banner.

Changes to this privacy policy

We reserve the right to change this privacy policy if necessary in order to ensure compliance with current legal requirements or to reflect changes to our service portfolio in the privacy policy. The new privacy policy will then apply to your next visit, which you accept by using our website.

Questions about our privacy policy

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or how to exercise your rights, please send an e-mail to